Recent content by superguy813

  1. superguy813

    Cheap Cactus Shop at /warp cactus813 (only every so often!)

    Hi there! I'm making a very cheap cactus shop at /warp cactus813 (1k cacti for 150 mana) but it's not alot of stock. it's a way to benefit some lucky people and be cheap enough for new players too. Whenever the double chest down there is full I'll open up the shop so if you want some easy...
  2. superguy813

    Plot Shops & Why I Dislike Them

    I kind of agree, the cactus-mana plot shops are really OP and they have no real limitations. But so far the economy has kept stable and there hasn't been any real problems yet (as far as I've seen) right? Maybe overtime it'll balance itself out and there won't be any problem with it.
  3. superguy813

    Plot Mini Competitions On Olympus!!

    Hey Kayla, maybe you could have the first place winners help you decide who wins the next competition? Because on the server I noticed you were considering giving the same plot a win two times in a row which seems a bit unfair to me. If you let the plot owner(s) help you decide the next week's...