Recent content by T h r i f t

  1. T h r i f t

    Finished Sumotori Event

    Ign : thrift :D SIGN ME UP
  2. T h r i f t

    What The Hell is the Deal Applying for Staff??

    Not to be rude but its not that hard to become staff if you follow all the requirements etc
  3. T h r i f t

    Store Unbans

    not to be rude but i think the unbans are a little expensive
  4. T h r i f t

    Why Changing To Protection Three Armor was a Mistake.

    personally i think its turning into more like bare bare bones pvp
  5. T h r i f t

    Can you add more kits ? plz

    theres a decent amount of kits you just have to get gems and do /gemshop
  6. T h r i f t

    Lack of Proper Anticheat

    i belive the anti cheat works decently but it deffiently has to be updated :)
  7. T h r i f t

    Reporting this Bs

    this fourm is not for reporting
  8. T h r i f t

    Duels in kitpvp?

    i remember that duels where a thing in kit pvp but i dont know when / why they where deleted