Recent content by *TheJuggernaut7K

  1. *TheJuggernaut7K

    Collection Giveaway because of COLLEGE :(

    *TheJuggernaut7K Good luck in college!! Have a great time and make some awesome friends!!
  2. *TheJuggernaut7K

    Guess the number - Win Cubits

    46, 83, 102
  3. *TheJuggernaut7K

    Some needed fixes

    To everyone saying stick through it, I absolutely will. The community on manacube is great and I really enjoy playing on the server. I just wanted to state some of the problems I’ve been dealing with so as to bring them to attention if they weren’t already known. Also, thank you to all the...
  4. *TheJuggernaut7K

    Some needed fixes

    Just checked again, it very much does say that, Inquisitive says, and I quote, “Increases EXP drops from mobs,” and master inquisitive says it does the same just better
  5. *TheJuggernaut7K

    Some needed fixes

    I thought Inquisitive and master inquisitive would work on mobs since it says it does
  6. *TheJuggernaut7K

    Some needed fixes

    I am one of the few bedrock players on this server, and there have been so many things that make me want to stop playing. Here are a few that I hope can get fixed. 1. Right clicking for so many things. So many things you have to be able to right click to do, unlocking new worlds, selling in...