HappyHippoEaters - Staff Application


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2021
51 1
Your Minecraft Username

What server are you applying for


First name Adam

Age 26

Country or Timezone
USA, Mountain Time

Discord username

Why do you want to become staff?
To Help out with the Creative server. just like before, I want to see it Thrive.

How long have you played on ManaCube?
I think I started late 2020, though I honestly don't remember (yes, this is the same answer as last time, I still don't remember)

How many hours a week can you dedicate to Manacube? I am currently very flexible, but don't want to push over 8 hrs a day (56 hours a week)

What skills do you feel you have that will help the server?
I am adaptable, and a fast learner. I am very good at documenting events, and do so with build comps already.

What experiences have you had which could help you as staff? I have done Judging in the Past (The Build Tournament). I have worked Retail, so I can smile through the roughest of insults and still do my job with a smile. I have and do work directly with Mentally disabled people and children (through helping my mother and sister babysit), along with dealing with my own mental disabilities (Autism and ADHD).

What three attributes distinguish yourself from other players that qualify you to be a helper?
My Immunity to most Emotional and Social Harassment, my innate need to help others, being able to shift my views to try and understand where other people are coming from

Please explain what you believe the role of a staff member is.
a responsibility to manage the server, to make sure the people on it are safe, and try to make it a fun place, moderating things to ensure that things are going smoothly.

Are you able to use recording software? yes, OBS and I Have a Tonor Microphone, along with a youtube channel, and technically I have editing software, though I still haven't used it, and I feel OBS and my Mic will be sufficient for most things.

Anything else we should know?
for viewing the Build Tournament areas I made, The Plots are "/archive visit HappyHippoEaters 1" and "/archive visit HappyHippoEaters 16" and as of the gold medal requirement, I just have never finished a project without outside pressure on me, I got bronze for sticking all my assorted random monsters randomly into one world as a monster Library (honestly still shocked I got bronze for that unorganized mess). as of the reason, it is actually my ADHD and Anxiety (not sure if I am aloud to have anxiety since I am pretty sure it just got grouped in with my autism along with my dyspraxia and ocd) my anxiety can cause me to Over fixate on things, well my ADHD tends to cause me to try to fixate on too many things, most of the time, one after the other, but when conditions are right, they actually balance to let me properly think on how to do things, these conditions are usually dead lines (it is why my best builds are from the comps) however, I have noted other pressures like work can also be enough. when too much pressure is applied though, it can cause my anxiety to get out of hand, and I will usually try to get away first if I feel my anxiety rising, as to avoid unnecessary problems. anyways, if you feel I am not ready to be creative staff because of this, I fully understand, and will seek to remedy it (if I get staff though, I will likely spend alot more time on the server, and may make something finally worthy of a gold star : )
as stated above I do work with other people with Mental Problems, far more severe than mine, and help them, it is this reason though, that I am on call 24/7 so to say, as if there is a problem, I am one of the first people to get there usually (not a doctor by the way, just a helper).
as of my YouTube Channel, I will be continuing my variety content, but I am willing to collaborate on projects with Manacube if they so need it, I would also like to note that I have been playing minecraft (moresoover Modded Minecraft) for a long time now (I believe since before official release) and although I am not a codeder I have always wanted to do some work with coding and programing, and I do have at least some experience with Java Script navigating mod configs. and as said earlier, I am always open to trying new things and would be more than willing to learn things if it meant expanding my own knowledge so I can one day take over the world- [wait, wrong script] I mean so I can make creative a better place, and maybe help with the rest of the server too, as I am open to at least trying (note, I am Incapable of PvP and Parkour, I can beat a Eldritch horrors and navigate Unruly mazes in minecraft, but I can't kill another player or jump from block to block)
I will be putting a link to a forum post for any questions you wish to ask directly, to help keep this area clean and organized for staff to sort through.
P.S. I checked, and ignoring this part, there are 790 words, thank you random word counter website I found!

link to Forum Post

You are aware that all information provided must be true, and if found to be false, will result in an automatic rejection of this application

You are aware that if you are accepted, you will be required to use a microphone for some sections of staff training to talk with the senior staff member leading your initial and future training sessions:

You are aware that you may not use generative AI to write your application for you. Any suspicion of doing so will result in a rejection.


Forum God
Jul 28, 2022
1,228 305
+1 add shrek to the spin wheel I beg


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2021
+1 very nice and has a good knowledge of the server