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@Dakota stop disagree spamming me. I have a hotkey for forum reports.
Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
Say my name say my name say my name
If nobody is around you say baby I love you
What if it turns out better than you imagined.
This guy should just quit.
Comparison is the recipe for depression and questioning you're integrity.
Just got my disc sever to boost level 3!!! Custom link ;)
Instead of manacube for 120 hours a week, I will be shoveling ice for that much time.
I hope you've enjoyed the opportunities I've provided. Maybe next time this much dedication will be recognized.
Sorry for the loss to Olympus.
I always feel like I'm the worst so I always act like I'm the best
Take my people with me. Together we are going, to a brand new home.
Got this old concrete box
Oh man do I LOVEE clam cakes
hey hi hru youre cool hope youre well
im sad i also hate being misunderstood
HAPPY BDAY! Phew just in time! Have a amazing year ahead!
Sad part- you need to wait 365 days again for ur bday.
You are abusing youre abillytees as p2w teachers pet to spam me -1
I do not appresheate this. Stop.