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  1. CheezyTheBro

    Pls help I am broke in cubits…

    I feel ya, I have 0.2 cubits lol
  2. CheezyTheBro

    Musical Instrument.

    that's actually a beautiful choice. I participated in a choir for 3 years, and it is in irreplaceable experience, so I am glad to hear that!
  3. CheezyTheBro

    Musical Instrument.

    what is you guys' favorite musical instrument? I am a pianist, but mine is probably the violin hilariously. whats yours? please let me know.
  4. CheezyTheBro

    ssobbee - QA Team Application [Factions]

    +1 very dedicated member.
  5. CheezyTheBro


    Minecraft, but I also like goat simulator and hello neighbour. whats yours shrek?
  6. CheezyTheBro

    GamingPretzel - August Edition

    that's cool
  7. CheezyTheBro

    why parkour?

    I got a question for you parkour lovers out there. why is it that you like parkour? you can give multiple reasons if you'd like. I will go first: 1. I like the excitement of beating hard jumps or long/hard levels. 2. I like the completion of clearing page of parkour and clearing rankup goals...
  8. CheezyTheBro


    Rachmaninoff: piano concerto no.2 opus. 18. give it a listen, it's good stuff.
  9. CheezyTheBro


  10. CheezyTheBro


    purple is easily the BEST color!
  11. CheezyTheBro


    so, here we go. the question of questions(nah it's just a regular question). what do you like the most about Manacube? me personally? I love the community (and staff), because most people are simply very nice. very well, now it's your turn. (I am asking this because I am curious to see what...
  12. CheezyTheBro

    Name Color in Chat

    I love being couple years late to a post !
  13. CheezyTheBro


    idk what you are talking about. I am cheese.
  14. CheezyTheBro


    kinda off topic, but what do you guys really like to eat lol. could be be a comfort food, fine dish, dessert. anything honestly. just let me know :) <3
  15. CheezyTheBro

    Why do you like your main game?

    I was wondering why people choose the gamemode they actually main, so I will start: I like parkour because: 1. it's fun to for me to feel the satisfaction of each jump. 2. I truly enjoy feeling the accomplishment of progressing in rankup goals. bonus: the community in parkour is also great, so...
  16. CheezyTheBro

    Ongoing Shrinkray - Medium

    this looks so cool lmao, I may try this
  17. CheezyTheBro

    Accepted Donna - Expert

    this is honestly incredible building wow
  18. CheezyTheBro

    Reverse Checkpoint/Cancelation for checkpoint

    an idea I thought about, and could be necessary is a reverse checkpoint in parkour. how does it work? here is my answer: if you accidentally get stuck because you clicked on a checkpoint sign at a bad spot, or glitched out, you can click the reverse checkpoint item and you will get the last time...
  19. CheezyTheBro

    Favorite Jump?

    I am genuinely curious what is you guys' favorite kind of parkour jump?? I will go first. my favorite is most likely water wall hugging jumps
  20. CheezyTheBro

    Amazing Community

    thank you!, and you prove my point for the great community part :)