Search results

  1. ChocFRANK

    Parkour 3 : Normal Skyblock - Hard

    Hi Sir/Miss, I'm ChocFRSNK! I hope you're having a good morning. So, this is My Parkour: Normal Skyblock. The plot # is -39;-141 . The difficulty is Hard, with 61 jumps and 2 Checkpoint: at the beggining and at the middle. I hope everybody will like it and I also hope that the judges will love...
  2. ChocFRANK

    My Parkour 2: Colors

    Good Morning Sir/Miss, I'm ChocFRANK! Here's my Parkour 2: Colors. The name of the Parkour is whatever you'll like to name it, Cause I didn't think about a name and I'm not super intelligent so you can put what yo;u want xD. The difficulty is medium/hard. Their is checkpoint,(one after each...