Search results

  1. Marjo03

    Rejected Clickbait map submission

    Map theme: Clickbait Difficulty: Hard Jumps: 56 Builders: Marjo03, boydan01 How to get to the plot: /plot h Marjo03 02 Pictures:
  2. Marjo03

    Rejected Improved version of Toxic Explosion - Resubmission

    Username: Marjo03 Map name: Toxic explosion Difficulty: Medium Plot: /plot h marjo03 01 Jumps: 32 Note: I know that some floating bits make it look messy, but I thought it would match the theme "Explosion". Screenshots:
  3. Marjo03

    Rejected Map submission : Toxic explosion

    Username: Marjo03 Map name: Toxic explosion How to get to the plot: /plot h Marjo03 01 Difficulty: Medium, maybe easy Number of jumps: 27 Screenshots: