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  1. Xiuz

    The best /nick color ideas !!

    A great tool that I've been using is which makes easy gradients
  2. Xiuz

    Survival Season 8

    Loving the season
  3. Xiuz

    Thank you everyone

  4. Xiuz

    What is the best way to earn money on survival (As of Now?)

    I've had pretty good luck with selling heads on auction house. Unfortunately, the demand for them pretty much controls how profitable it will be.
  5. Xiuz

    Enable keep inventory for / wild

    Not really sure why keep inventory is turned off in the wild. I agree, what is the point of having exclusive areas for pvp if you can just have the same experience practically anywhere on the map.
  6. Xiuz

    ManaCube needs a change.

    +1, I'm all for giving more incentive to buy Elite, as long as it's done in a way that isn't game breaking.