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  1. AmFloofPanda

    Hey there @V12166, you can use the following IP: Let me know if that...

    Hey there @V12166, you can use the following IP: Let me know if that worked out for you! Have an awesome day!
  2. AmFloofPanda

    xDougx KitPvP Tournament

    Just signed up! Good luck to everyone participating :)
  3. AmFloofPanda

    Hey there @Bedrock7386, run /discord in hub if you’re trying to sync your account to discord ;)

    Hey there @Bedrock7386, run /discord in hub if you’re trying to sync your account to discord ;)
  4. AmFloofPanda

    hi ;)

    hi ;)
  5. AmFloofPanda

    silly little 50 cubit give away

    First of all, happy early 18th birthday!!! Hope you have a fantastic day! Discord: amfloofpanda IGN: AmFloofPanda TZ: CEST Best of luck to all participants, and thanks again for the opportunity!
  6. AmFloofPanda

    June 2024

    Woo! Congratulations to the Staff of the Month!! Huge congrats to the new managers as well ;) I’m very much looking forward to the Medieval fest!
  7. AmFloofPanda

    Hi everyone!

    Hey there, @Sempervirent C: Of course we love Minecraft!!
  8. AmFloofPanda


    Heya, this is a rather old thread from 2023, but to address your question: You can read the reset guide, which essentially explains what will be kept, by clicking te following link: Reset Guide | ManaCube Official Wiki.
  9. AmFloofPanda

    dying server

    Hey, there is a KitPvP reset planned for August! Personally, I am really looking forward to the reset. I’m sure we’ll be getting lots of new stuff & features ;)
  10. AmFloofPanda

    Disney Crate

  11. AmFloofPanda

    Cubit Giveaway

    Congrats @DylanB_666 & @Monkyy__ !
  12. AmFloofPanda

    Cubit Giveaway

    AmFloofPanda KitPvP go celtics !! <3
  13. AmFloofPanda

    Survival Season 9 - Part 1

  14. AmFloofPanda

    Hello @dreadedshadows ;)

    Hello @dreadedshadows ;)
  15. AmFloofPanda

    Bedrock Support

    Unfortunately, there is no ETA for the bedrock issue, meaning we don't know when this will be fixed. However, they are actively working on it so keep an eye on an announcement. Hope this helped! Edit: it was recently announced that the issue with Bedrock compatibility was fixed, you should be...
  16. AmFloofPanda

    Bedrock Support

    Hey, the devs are waiting on a Geyser update to address the issue that is preventing bedrock players from joining the server. There’s currently no ETA, so we have to be patient until then. I recommend joining the discord server, so you will be notified once this issue has been fixed.
  17. AmFloofPanda

    Is 1.8.9 discontinued?

    Hey @eynac, The server recently updated to be compatible with 1.21, and there are some issues that need to be fixed. The developers are actively working to resolve 1.8 support, however, it will take some time. I recommend using 1.20.1, since it is the most stable version at the moment. Please...
  18. AmFloofPanda

    AmFloofPanda - Staff Application

    Your Minecraft Username AmFloofPanda What server are you applying for KitPvP --------------------------------------------- First name Prefer not to disclose Age 18 Country or Timezone CEST Discord username amfloofpanda Why do you want to become staff? Since the day I joined ManaCube, I...
  19. AmFloofPanda

    KitPvP ideas

    Hey all, As a player on KitPvP, I also agree that some work needs to be done on this gamemode, as it has potential to reach a large player base, in my opinion. I agree with most of the things @xDirtyDoug has said. Work needs to be done, especially for these points: I fully agree with you and...