Search results

  1. BeauChico

    What's your childhood anime?

    Tell me which anime forged your childhood.
  2. BeauChico

    Love bench

    If you are tired, feel free to sit a the love bench p.s. It's for my daily quest
  3. BeauChico

    I don't know If I deleted something, but thanks! :)

    I don't know If I deleted something, but thanks! :)
  4. BeauChico

    Wanna grab a book?

    I present to you... my library ! (Don't the misspelled of the picture)
  5. BeauChico

    Warden Spawn

    Can we easily spawn a warden? thanks
  6. BeauChico

    The Puceau Gang Gang's base

    You should see for yourself If you want to :)
  7. BeauChico

    The Puceau Gang Gang's base

    I know it's not much compared to others, but my friend and I are proud of our little chunk! ;)
  8. BeauChico

    This game is my childhood

    I played a lot on Xbox 360 when it first came out. Years later I hopped on Minecraft on my ps4. And as today I'm still playing but in this server. This game really followed me during all these years. I'm grateful to be in this server with this community.