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  1. TheTrashManatee

    News Post Zodiac Crate

    hey that's pretty neat
  2. TheTrashManatee

    [Suggestion] Make giant mushroom blocks count towards Mushroom farming job

    I don't know if there are separate tasks for these, but having to track down almost 200 brown mushrooms is such a luck fest in terms of finding biomes, and mushroom farms are impractical just for the sheer scale they would need.
  3. TheTrashManatee

    silly little 50 cubit give away

    Happy birthday! Discord: TheTrashManatee IGN: TheTrashManatee Timezone: EST
  4. TheTrashManatee

    News Post X-Men Crate

    hey thats pretty neat
  5. TheTrashManatee

    Mute shout command

    This is pretty much what i was saying, yeah. If i /ignore someone because they're shouting stuff unrelated to the server I play on, I don't want to have to see it every shout cooldown, or people constantly advertising their own CFs.
  6. TheTrashManatee

    Mute shout command

    I think a better solution to this would actually be the option to /ignore certain players' shouts. Generally to me, shouts are okay. It just gets old when users are shouting things specific to their servers.
  7. TheTrashManatee

    Move LPS and Pond away from each other

    I really like this proposal; it makes a lot of sense. I've avoided multiple LPS because i've been trying to do manapond stuff.