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  1. scoobert19

    Farmer Job is broken

    The farmer job only gives exp and money when you breed animals or harvest flowers. Crops such as wheat, potatoes, and carrots do not give money or exp. I'm unsure if this has already been posted about, but since I didn't see anything related to the issue, I decided to.
  2. scoobert19

    Staff Problems...

    Deleted Content
  3. scoobert19

    New Rank, OD?

    New Rank, yeah... may sound a little big at first... But me, minecrft and Caleeeb have been talking about it. "OD" is a rank for "Oldies" or long-time members. The three of us personally have been on atleast two years. Although we may have used other accounts, we like the idea of it. Now, we...