Search results

  1. RoyalBubble


    So, it's been 3 years since I've played the server. I was wondering if there's any way to reclaim back some stuff I bought on the store? There used to be a command added a week before resets where you can add in store bought items which then gets transferred into the next season. But as I...
  2. RoyalBubble

    Suggestions for Olympus.

    I have a few ideas on how to make Olympus run better and from what others have been complaining about. Hoppers - Hoppers are rather slow. People are now building big farms and the hoppers can't college all of the drops on time. Spawners - Thought it would be a cool idea to add in stack-able...
  3. RoyalBubble


    I am doing a give away for the people who play on SkyBlock. Winners will be announced on the 24th of March (Saturday) The rewards are: 1st Prize - 1.5M plus 1 IG spawner. 2nd Prize- 1M Plus 2 Blaze spawners. 3rd Prize - 500k plus 1 Blaze spawner. 4th Prize - 10 Legendary Books. 5th Prize - 15...