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    Haven't played mc in a few months. Decided to check the response on a park our map I posted in September. Turns out it still hasn't been rejected or accepted or anything, it's just been archived. I honestly don't care about the map anymore, it wasn't even any good. But really guys? 10 months...
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    Problems with pk

    I am kind of upset right now. On August 19th, I posted a parkour map on the forums in the right format and the right section. But, for some reason I still haven't been rejected or accepted or anything. I thought maybe the judges were still looking at it, but now it has been 5 weeks. I didn't...
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    pls look at my pk!

    pls look at my pk!
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    ParkORE updated [Medium]

    Thank you
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    Please look at my pk map

    Please look at my pk map
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    Still waiting for my pk map to get a response! Even though it will probably get rejected...

    Still waiting for my pk map to get a response! Even though it will probably get rejected...
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    ParkORE updated [Medium]

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    ParkORE updated [Medium]

    Jumps- 60-65 Checkpoints- 3 Difficulty- Medium Link- Hello. My name is DustyPancakes. I made this map last week but have added a couple changes and posted a link that will actually work. This map takes place on gigantic ores at 0,0...
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    ParkOre [Medium]

    Has any1 tried the map yet? If so, was it too easy/difficult?
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    ParkOre [Medium]

    I was thinking that but I can't figure out how to do it.
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    ParkOre [Medium]

    My last map attempt was a failure. So, here is a completely different idea. The map includes 3 giant ores (coal, redstone, and lapis lazuli) filled with parkour. Each ore has its own challenges. Here is the link to the world which it is in. The parkour is at 0,0. This is my first time using...
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    Rejected 3 Shades of Minecraft [Medium] Parkour Map

    Ok thanks so much for the feedback. Like I said, it's not very detailed as it is.
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    Rejected 3 Shades of Minecraft [Medium] Parkour Map

    Before you look into this, you should know that I am just looking for suggestions to make the map better. It is not very detailed as it is now, but I am hoping someone can give me some ideas. This is my first map. In it is 3 sections made with 3 different colors. Each color takes on a...