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  1. Zeypheron

    Please Fix Teaming

    The fact that it's so small is what makes teaming even worse, as a team of 2 in great armor is practically impossible to beat unless the entire rest of the server teams up on them in kit fight, or another team of people in great armor comes down to kill them, but then with that the problem...
  2. Zeypheron

    December 2018

    I never saw it myself, I was just speculating about what would let someone vote 20 times in a day as a long time ago on other servers I've seen someone once in a while ask other people to vote for them.
  3. Zeypheron

    Please Fix Teaming

    Just because it is inevitable doesn't mean that it's suppose to happen, it's a free-for-all gamemode, teaming isn't suppose to happen even though it does.
  4. Zeypheron

    [Question] What enerves you the most at KitPvP ?

    I can understand that, but you do have to keep in mind that 9/10 times when someone does ignore someone who is low after just finishing a fight, that person on low instantly turns around and attacks you from behind. So it is generally much safer to just kill the person who is low then risk dying...
  5. Zeypheron

    [Question] What enerves you the most at KitPvP ?

    You are talking about the Revenge kit with your description there, which is a non-donator kit that anyone can get with mana. Or at least I assume you mean Revenge as that's the only kit with iron armor and a fire aspect sword.
  6. Zeypheron

    Please Fix Teaming

    Except, considering the main reason we complain about this is when half the server is a single team, so it's impossible to be a good player in a team if there is literally no effort in killing someone because 6 people with good gear are jumping on 1 person in kit fight. What do you mean kitpvp...
  7. Zeypheron

    More kits

    This suggestion is actually kinda bad for a kit, as every kit is supposed to have an equal sword, with the exception of Revenge and Santa which also have fire aspect on them, every sword has the same base damage whether it's kit fight or mvp+, so adding a free kit (free as in it's gotten with...
  8. Zeypheron

    December 2018

    I'm pretty sure that's just people having others vote for them, as a username can vote on one website multiple times in a day I'm pretty sure, it's just that they can't vote multiple times from the same ip.
  9. Zeypheron

    What KitPvP Is Really Like. . .

    This is what happens when Nih's small amount of sanity decides to go on vacation.
  10. Zeypheron

    Corrupt A Wish

    You do die but after death you are sent to an empty void were you remain for all eternity until your mind finally breaks for the cold emptiness of the void. I wish for immortality. Also WilboShakespeare I skipped you cause you did it wrong, you are suppose to corrupt the above wish then give...
  11. Zeypheron

    Count to 50 before a staff posts!

    Ah, though you meant to 50. 21
  12. Zeypheron

    Count to 50 before a staff posts!

    Don't get your hopes up we aren't even half way, 18.
  13. Zeypheron

    Corrupt A Wish

    wow, you guys are weak with your corruption. Since you are now a wolf you have lost all sense of humanity and human intelligence, resulting in you attacking your family, though eventually you are killed for attacking people. I wish that I stopped getting constant headaches.
  14. Zeypheron

    Never have I ever . . . (Warning: Once you join... you can't leave...)

    I have not. Never have I ever burned kitties.