Hey, for those do not know, kawaii basically means cute in Japanese so it's kinda like cute anime, sorta.
Anyway, I would love to join The Kawaii Nation, my nick is already IKawaiiTurtleI and my ign is xKawaiiTurtle.
I think this could be a good idea but I think it should be like 2 diamonds per 10 wins otherwise people would get really op just from scrambler what is just a extra feature that doesn't really matter. So if there was a reward, then it shouldn't be op, just a little reward per like 5 or 10 wins.
Welcome Triiiniii,
Like SunsetMagic said, when I was Master, I farmed on the same hard course, jungle, 200 times. I remember counting each time I completed it xD. Anyways I might donate some gems.