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  1. bcwhead

    Drop Party at /warp dp

    In celebration of the opening of /warp banners (my banner ship with 65+ banners) and /warp pshop (my profit shops for new players), I will be giving away nearly 9million dollars worth of items and banknotes. This giveaway will be done most likely this Saturday around 4:00 PM EST. If you have a...
  2. bcwhead

    Rank Dissapeared!

    Today (Sunday December 23rd) I ranked up from 2, to 3, and then to 4. Both times, despite being displayed as a reward, I received 0 vote crates. Now, paying 750k and 750 mana just to receive perks I already have is a little annoying, but when the server crashed, I was reset back to rank 2...