Search results

  1. Dank McMemes (Neel)

    Rejected Airplane Parkour

    UserName: Hydra_Axion This parkour map features many things. It focuses on ladder parkour and one-block jumps (with a block above). It has a space for a checkpoint. It also features a Mini-story, where you land the plane safely, and the goal is to get to the cockpit of the plane. It has 22...
  2. Dank McMemes (Neel)

    Rejected City/Office Parkour

    Username: Hydra_Axion Photos of your Parkour: /warp officeparkour Difficulty: Easy-Medium Number of jumps: About 50 (lost count after 47) This started as a city build project, but I forgot about it. I then remembered about it, then got the idea to turn it into a parkour map. So...
  3. Dank McMemes (Neel)

    Something a little bit annoying

    So, when you vote, your vote is broadcasted on all servers. Well, this tends to be annoying. I think it's a good idea, except not on all servers, maybe just the one you're on. Other people agree with me.
  4. Dank McMemes (Neel)

    The Revolution (#MakeMVGreatAgain)

    MAKE MINEVAST GREAT AGAIN! So, we think some of the changes suck major noodle, so let's change that! We can have a list of demands and requests that will be changed. Comment something to add and I will add it to the list. In order to do this I ask one thing... SIGN THE PETITION...
  5. Dank McMemes (Neel)

    Chat filter #MakeMVGreatAgain

    Ok, so why is a chat filter in place on creative?! There is no need for it, it was fine before. The EULA says nothing about chat, so why?! (I could complain how America has a freedom of speech law as basic rights, but I'll save that for later) Swearing is normal for creative. I think MV is...
  6. Dank McMemes (Neel)

    New MVNN video (FINALLY)

    After a month, a new MVNN video is finally out! It explains what all the changes in the past month are about. It also explains why I haven't posted in a while, and some news about the channel. It will be up in a few, if not now.
  7. Dank McMemes (Neel)

    I need help about me.

    I have applied for staff many times (its pretty much my dream, don't judge me xD) and I always get rejected. This is not a hate message, or an offensive message of any kind. In my last application, it said i just generally needed to improve. According to all of YOU, what should I personally...
  8. Dank McMemes (Neel)


    Blue winds disarray and yay power origami gator fans are less hogging nitro business
  9. Dank McMemes (Neel)

    New MVNN Video!

    Hey, whats up? I have just put up a new MVNN video, and here it is!
  10. Dank McMemes (Neel)


    Hey again! Comment ANY improvements you think will be good for Minevast! I'll pick a few to put in a video and say your name in the video! Comment in this format or you will be ignored. Format: Inprovement: <text> Forum Username: <text> Minecraft Username: <text>
  11. Dank McMemes (Neel)

    MVNN Things

    Hello again, and I want to clarify some MVNN things. 1. The schedule I will post every week on Saturday or Sunday, and I will let you know in advance if that were to be cancelled. 2. The purpose. THIS CHANNEL IS NOT TO MAKE MONEY!! This channel if for informative purposes only. 3. Personal...
  12. Dank McMemes (Neel)

    Minevast News Network

    Hey, I've started a YouTube channel that goes over every Minevast thing that happens! First real news video goes up today! This is to inform everybody of the things happening in Minevast, and is NOT a gaming channel, just a news channel. Please subscribe if possible, and thanks! Channel Link...