Search results

  1. Fercitoo

    Can you correct this?

    I know they are in "warp beta" but I would like them to put slaps here, even if it's beta I want them to put it so they do not skip that part, please My map is: The Test Mouse
  2. Fercitoo

    Accepted The Test Mouse - Medium or Hard ¿?

    Username: Fercitoo27_ Map Name: The Test Mouse Warp: /plot v Fercitoo27_ 1 Difficulty: I do not know if it's Medium or Hard because some people tell me "It's Medium" and others "It's Hard> :("
  3. Fercitoo

    Rejected The Parkour Items - Medium

    Username: Fercitoo27_ Map Name: The Parkour Items Difficulty: Medium My plot: /plot v Fercitoo27_
  4. Fercitoo

    Rejected The Disaster | Easy

    My username: Fercitoo27_ Map Name: The Disaster Visit me: /plot visit Fercitoo27_ 2 Difficulty: Easy Jumps: 38 : Easy
  5. Fercitoo

    Rejected The circle of life ● Easy

    My Username: Fercitoo27_ Map name : The circle of life ID: 61,-34 or /plot v Fercitoo27_ Difficulty: Easy Number of jumps: 44 My map was inspired by my teacher, he died on February 27 ...