Search results

  1. QwertyQwertz

    Accepted Beans - Easy

    Creators: QwertyQwertz and ObamaGaming Map Name: Beans Photos: Plot: /plot visit QwertyQwertz 3 Difficulty: Easy Jumps: 33
  2. QwertyQwertz

    Accepted Ladybug - Easy

    Creators: QwertyQwertz and ObamaGaming Map Name: Ladybug Photos: Plot: /plot visit QwertyQwertz 5 Difficulty: Easy Jumps: 22
  3. QwertyQwertz

    Accepted Kiwi - Easy

    Builders: QwertyQwertz and ObamaGaming Map Name: Kiwi Photos: Plot: QwertyQwertz 1 Difficulty: Easy Jumps: 21
  4. QwertyQwertz

    Rejected JIF - Easy

    - Made by QwertyQwertz and ObamaGaming - Map is called JIF - /plot v QwertyQwertz 5 - Easy map - Photos of map:
  5. QwertyQwertz

    Giving away 7 VIP ranks [CLOSED]

    IGN: QwertyQwertz Discord: QwertyQwertz#8803 Favorite type/toppings on pizza: VIP rank poggers!
  6. QwertyQwertz

    Rejected minesweeper (very hard insane)

    +1, this map looks really cool and the idea is very unique :)
  7. QwertyQwertz

    Rejected Rubik'sClock - Easy

    This map is based on the Rubik's Clock, a puzzle produced by the Rubik's company from the late 80's. Here is a picture of what the Rubik's Clock looks like: Creators - QwertyQwertz and ObamaGaming Map Name -...