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  1. StevenJxmes

    A few crate ideas

    Hockey stick and ice skates are a great idea (maybe just because I'm canadian) Jk, great ideas though. Good post
  2. StevenJxmes

    Peps pants

    10/10 would recommend. Amazing customer service and quality clothing.
  3. StevenJxmes

    Aether or Atlas?

    Oh okay, understandable. I hope things are going well for you, aether is always here for you.
  4. StevenJxmes

    Basketball Poll

    Slept on indeed, they have a lot of talent but also a lot of potential which is why they are over looked, potential can go either way. Exciting season though
  5. StevenJxmes

    Basketball Poll

    Born n raised Toronto.. I’m biased. Gotta pick the raptors boys ❤️ However, LBJ and AD are a sick duo.
  6. StevenJxmes

    Aether or Atlas?

    When do you come on aether? I never see you anymore :(
  7. StevenJxmes

    Do you guys like disney plus?

    Well now I know that
  8. StevenJxmes

    Do you guys like disney plus?

    It’s okay in my opinion, don’t really need another Netflix. However, they had avengers end game and I never seen it so they’re the PLUG for that.
  9. StevenJxmes

    Day or night?

    I prefer night time because it’s calmer and can be fun, but if I can I’m on all day long. Who needs sleep anyways right
  10. StevenJxmes

    Change One Word

    Teriyaki Chicken
  11. StevenJxmes

    [Forum Game] Yes or No?

    Art. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
  12. StevenJxmes

    Aether or Atlas?

    Depends on what you like, like WingsOfFire said aether can get crowded. If you prefer a small closer community atlas is good, however atlas is still in season 1 I believe as aether is in season 2. That means aether has certain things updated that some players like more. I don’t know the full...
  13. StevenJxmes

    Who is ready for christmas?

    I’m ready for Christmas 100%, but after that I’m certainly ready for the cold weather to leave. Not too fond of that this year
  14. StevenJxmes

    What was everyone's favorite game to play growing up (excluding Minecraft)?

    I liked realm of the mad god and club penguin as well growing up. My favourites would have to be crash bandicoot and dragon ball z as well. I loved the show so I would always buy the game for dbz :cool::cool:
  15. StevenJxmes

    Ban the Person Above | 500,000 Views

    Banned for not being a MVP. gg
  16. StevenJxmes

    Little to no mods on here.

    If you’re referring to aether I think it’s decently well staffed. Some haven’t been on much but there’s always staff on the daily. Can’t say much for atlas as I don’t hop on there.
  17. StevenJxmes

    Olympus Wrong prisons server

    Anytime :)
  18. StevenJxmes

    Olympus Wrong prisons server

    Hi! Please make a ticket about this in the support section and I’m sure staff will be able to help you. It’s fastest that way :) good luck!
  19. StevenJxmes

    General talk

    I’m a little late but good luck with those exams, you got this!
  20. StevenJxmes

    What gamemode are you playing

    Aether Olympus here :) I also hop on islands every so often as I have friends over there as well. I’m definitely down to start some others soon though like factions or sky block!