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  1. rosalinda316

    To anyone affected by the California fires, stay safe!

    *Final update* Thank you to all the well wishes and nice words. Am back home, pets are back and safe, computer is now set up again (aka no longer in evac mode) and the fire is contained at least on my end \o/
  2. rosalinda316

    To anyone affected by the California fires, stay safe!

    I got evacuated. With luck, and a lot of effort on the part of the fire fighters, I should be back sooner rather than later to an unburnt house. Peace and to anyone in the situation as well, feel free to message me, I can pass along extra info especially regarding pet evacuation.
  3. rosalinda316

    To anyone affected by the California fires, stay safe!

    Hey everyone! To anyone else in the northern Los Angeles county, stay safe and stay on alert, the saddleridge fire is aggressive and fast moving thanks to the wonderful Santa Ana winds. The lafd has a good Twitter account if you want more info. I'm prepped to evacuate too. I'm right at the...
  4. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    The Magic Kingdom (Disneyland in Anaheim) uses an automated vacuum collection (AVAC) system for waste removal. The trash then travels through pneumatic tubes to a central location where it is processed and compressed for transfer to a landfill or recycling plant. So yes, those trashcans at...
  5. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    Newfoundlands (dogs) have webbed feet.
  6. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    Sudoku was invented in the 18th century by a Swiss dude
  7. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    (Did you just grab the nearest vitamin container and stare at the ingredients/weights because you ran out of interesting facts?) Tape is covered in a viscoelastic material, meaning that it behaves both like a solid and a liquid. When you apply pressure to it, it flows like a liquid, finding its...
  8. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    Ancient ice samples from glaciers contain air from the time they were formed and that's one of the ways we can figure out what the Earth's climate was like millions of years ago.
  9. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    A Cadillac LeMans at the 1955 Motor Review in Los Angeles, California was not only gold plated but included a portable phone, tv, and minibar. (These bonuses probably didn't help it to race, but it certainly looked good!)
  10. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    We have concrete evidence that Majungasaurus (a dino) was a cannibal
  11. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    (And ants make up 15 to 25% of all land animal biomass, so 1.3 to 2.3 billion ants)
  12. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    Eels have a set of pharyngeal jaws (second jaw) used to grasp, hold, and even help swallow prey. Think the Alien from... well, the Alien series.
  13. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    The common strawberry is an octaploid (it has 8 sets of chromosomes) resulting in 56 total chromosomes per cell (except for the pollen and egg cells, obviously)
  14. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    California is home to the oldest individual tree on Earth, a Great Basin bristlecone pine. It is 5,065 years old. (there are clonal trees that are older)
  15. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    You can not drink alchohol and walk around in any restaurant in Utah, in fact, you can't even stand around and drink. You must be seated at all times.
  16. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    There are potentially millions of different blood types (with the A and B antigens being the most important, with the rh(d) antigen (if you're + or - also being very important for determining compatibility). Currently there are over 600 different antigens identified with more being discovered.
  17. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    Mr. Clean is known as Don Limpio in Spain and Meister Proper in Germany
  18. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    The big brown bat sleeps for an average of 19.7 hours every day
  19. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    The reason why you yawn is to bring cool air to your brain because it's overheated (often because you're tired), it's not because you need more oxygen.
  20. rosalinda316

    Useless Facts

    The average fart contains 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane, and 4% oxygen