Search results

  1. Trash062

    Rejected Atomic bomb - Expert

    Thank you for your feedback
  2. Trash062

    Rejected Atomic bomb - Expert

    Ign: Trash062 /plot v Trash062 2 (My second plot) around 110ish jumps Difficulty: Expert Edit: some tweaks have been made to the map.
  3. Trash062

    Rejected Germany - Easy

    Ign: Trash062 Name of map: Germany (/plot v Trash062 1) Difficulty: Easy jumps 40ish
  4. Trash062

    Closed Unknown Origins - Easy

    Username: Trash062 /plot h Trash062 1 Difficulty: Easy 37 jumps 2 cp
  5. Trash062

    Accepted Loach - Expert

    It looks great