Search results

  1. TimeLP

    Accepted The Metamorphosis - Easy

    im bakc minecraft building
  2. TimeLP


  3. TimeLP

    my milkshake

    my milkshake
  4. TimeLP

    Accepted Flying rat thingy mun looking ass

    another great map from bin and BDO
  5. TimeLP

    Rejected Vaccine - Medium

    already has that title
  6. TimeLP

    Rejected Vaccine - Medium

    i took a vaccine on tuesday
  7. TimeLP

    Rejected Vaccine - Medium

    timethefartlover vaccine /plot h timethefartlover 2 medium ~45 jumps
  8. TimeLP


  9. TimeLP

    Rejected Bucket Hat - Resubmission

    i really liked the build and the parkour. the parkour was was fun, but a little hard at times. i also made this very bad image on how u could improve some of the parts(ish) to make it more clear where to go and not as confusing kinda. (make the brewing stand into a repeater so it looks like u...
  10. TimeLP

    Accepted soda - resubmission it's really good now woahh

    timeluvspigical soda /plot h timeluvspigical 2 eazy-e 21 jumps not counting 1 b jumps ty to all the testers, i built a little podium for u
  11. TimeLP

    Accepted ChampionshipWard - Hard

    Looks really good!
  12. TimeLP

    Accepted MelancholyHill

    TimeLUVSPigical, Presidenten MelancholyHill /plot h timeluvspigical 10 Hard (the map is based on the album cover of plastic beach by gorillaz)
  13. TimeLP

    Accepted Shiny Trinket - Medium (Resubmission)

    i liked it before, i like it even more now. very nice!
  14. TimeLP

    The cycle of minecraft-hard

  15. TimeLP

    Accepted Albatross - Easy

    ty for letting me try it! i really think this map should get accepted
  16. TimeLP

    Rejected Traffic Light

    seems there is already another trafficlight map lol
  17. TimeLP

    Rejected Traffic Light

    TimeLUVSPigical TrafficLight /plot h timeluvspigical 9 Medium 50 jumparoos thanks jashhy for testing the map :d
  18. TimeLP

    Accepted The Dreadful Flying Glove

    also thanks to Presidenten for trying the map n stuff
  19. TimeLP

    Accepted The Dreadful Flying Glove

    TimeLUVSPigical DreadfulFlyingGlove Reference image: /plot h TimeLUVSPigical 8 Medium around 45 jumps i think
  20. TimeLP

    Rejected Rolling Stones

    TimeLUVSPigical TheRollingStones /plot h TimeLUVSPigical 6 Easy like 21 jumps i think