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  1. ThomasDeer

    Legendary key

    I just didn't know you could find everything said in chat back in your minecraft folder, but i found it and got screenshots now. Took screenshots from both ranking up and getting the key, as well from using the key and getting the bold/italic perk :)
  2. ThomasDeer

    Legendary key

    Hi, It was on skyblock. Thanks for the tip of looking for it in chat logs. Found the chat where it says i won it so i'm going to make a ticket of it. Thankss!
  3. ThomasDeer

    Legendary key

    Hmm yeah, thinking it would be no problem I didn't take a screenshot at the moment I got it. I later asked in the chat how to activate it, and then I discovered I could not use it. By that time it was already to late to screenshot the winning...
  4. ThomasDeer

    Legendary key

    Thanks for answering :) Is there any way to proof it? I didn't take a screenshot at the moment of winning it, and now there seems to be no way of getting it. For example when i do /title it says i do not have any title, but I did win in tho.
  5. ThomasDeer

    Legendary key

    Hi, just wanted to get something off my chest. So first of all I havent bought any rank like VIP, I rather dont put real money in games. I just enjoy playing the game and getting many things by working for them. Yesterday I did Rankup9 so i got a legendary key as reward. From this legendary...