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  1. P

    My second parkour map submission

    Could someone pls put this up in parkourse server? I haven't seen this up in 3 1/2 months sorry to push you guys.. But pls I know you guys are busy with other stuff on the server just this one last parkour I want to submit just THIS last one...
  2. P

    My second parkour map submission

    @Dacon here is our parkour @sugarfan1453 and I made 2 months ago haven't been up in parkourse 1 & 2
  3. P

    My second parkour map submission

    Its on sugarfan1453 plot, not on my plot (not enough room).
  4. P

    My second parkour map submission

    Will it count that @sugarfan1453 help me?
  5. P

    My second parkour map submission

    It seems to be small before so i made a lollipop so its longer all about sweets :)
  6. P

    My second parkour map submission

    Here is the last pic!! This parkour map is next to a plot on my left of my first parkour so keep a close eye :P
  7. P

    My second parkour map submission

    Ignore the stonebrick in the background thats going to be another parkour. Also adding one last photo inside the cupcake!! :)
  8. P

    My second parkour map submission

    Going to add another pic.
  9. P

    My second parkour map submission

    Hello Again, I made a second parkour map a new easy parkour with @sugarfan1453 on her plot b/c there were no more room on my plot. It did not take us awhile to build but @sugarfan1453 and I want other people to enjoy new parkour so we can help @Dacon 's server the best as we can. If you see any...
  10. P

    Accepted My First Parkour Map Submission

    Could you ask Dacon to see my parkpour submission Pls? I told him but he seems to be busy with other stuff but since your mod I think he would listen
  11. P

    Accepted My First Parkour Map Submission

    The warp is called "forestparkour" :)
  12. P

    Accepted My First Parkour Map Submission

    Ok thx!! Now im finished editing & building it :3 If you see any mistakes just tell me!
  13. P

    Accepted My First Parkour Map Submission

    Here is another pic from up above :)
  14. P

    Accepted My First Parkour Map Submission

    Thx! Oh i have a question, do i need to make the checkpoints or are you/others will do that?
  15. P

    Accepted My First Parkour Map Submission

    Is this ok or do i have to take it from up above? :)
  16. P

    Accepted My First Parkour Map Submission

    Is this okay or should i do from up above?
  17. P

    Accepted My First Parkour Map Submission

    How do i post a pic?
  18. P

    Accepted My First Parkour Map Submission

    How do I post my pic?
  19. P

    Accepted My First Parkour Map Submission

    Hello, I made my first parkour map in Creative on MineVast, it seems to be an easy map. If you could pls check it out, it would be helpful of what you think about it. If it's too short or any mistakes Pls tell me! Thank you for everything that you can to help me submit my parkour map! By...