_Fire_Blaze - Staff Application

Jun 23, 2024
Your Minecraft Username

What server are you applying for


First name Joseph

Age 15

Country or Timezone

Discord username

Why do you want to become staff?
I would like to apply for staff because I feel I could make a difference on Manacube.

How long have you played on ManaCube?
around 2 years

How many hours a week can you dedicate to Manacube? I couldnt count but say 20

What skills do you feel you have that will help the server?
I have good skills when it comes to de-escalation but I also know when things get taken to far.

What experiences have you had which could help you as staff? Well I am assistant manager at the Mcdonalds I work at and I have to deal with employees bickering at each other so I feel I could do the same thing I do at work on Manacube.

What three attributes distinguish yourself from other players that qualify you to be a helper?
I am calm which can be helpful to de-escalate thing, I am kind and i treat others with respect which can be helpful to get rid of negativity, and lastly

Please explain what you believe the role of a staff member is.
I think the role of a staff member is to stand up and help players that maybe cant deal with something such as harassment or maybe seen somebody cheating.

Are you able to use recording software? Yes and no because i have obs but sometimes it buggs up my recording

Anything else we should know?
Yes, I am well known on survival and it would be easier to calm things down and help because i have the respect of everyone.

You are aware that all information provided must be true, and if found to be false, will result in an automatic rejection of this application

You are aware that if you are accepted, you will be required to use a microphone for some sections of staff training to talk with the senior staff member leading your initial and future training sessions:

You are aware that you may not use generative AI to write your application for you. Any suspicion of doing so will result in a rejection.