Addition of Chunkbusters for Factions

Dec 26, 2019
What is your suggestion: My suggestion is to add an easier way of taking out land that needs to be removed, a chunk buster would do the job greatly. All it does is if you place the block in a chunk, it mines/removes everything in that placed chunk from sky limit to bedrock.

How can this make the server better: It makes doing basework easier, if players don't have trench picks, they have to blast-mine/trench, it takes ages either way and people would rather not complete it then. With chunk busters, it would take no time depending how long is set for the chunk to be fully mined, most servers have it instant like 10 seconds or 10 minutes to do the task per chunk. Now adays people do. sky to bedrock bases and bigger size bases require more work, instead of exhausting effort, they can buy their way to clearing land.

Extra Notes: Some people build their base before they trench and if they have a chunk buster, it will remove all their hard work, so some servers make it to where if you place a chunk busters at a certain Y level, everything below will be removed preventing all the hard work to not be waisted,