Rejected Alchemist-Medium/ Re-submission

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Apr 28, 2020
Username: Funish
Map name: Alchemist

Warp: /plot v Funish 2
Difficulty: Medium
Hello welcome to alchemist. A good ol time for everyone. Full of anger and fun jumps, for everyone including the kids. This map is filled with all your favorites... Slimes jumps, neos, ladders, fences, enchant tables, brewing stands, head hitters, and door jumps. This map goes indoors and outdoors. And maybe theres also a little easer egg in the map :) Well I hope this map can get accepted so everyone can enjoy the work I put so much effort into :D
I feel added a lot more directions in the map so you wont get lost, and I made the jumps more of a consistent difficulty. Hopefully you can see the difference and possibly accept it :D


Forum Master
Oct 23, 2019
617 31
Hey there, before going ahead with your map submission review I'd like to inform you that I'm only giving you my personal opinion/feedback on your parkour map submission and my personal feedback will certainly not affect your parkour map submission in the slightest, I recommend that you take in my feedback to improve your submission if there are any flaws, you don't need to and you're free to ignore me but anyhow, before going ahead I'd like to mention that I'm a Moderator not a Map Judge so this is just my personal opinion and I am not accepting or denying your parkour map as this is only my personal opinion.

Originality/design ~ Not certain but I don't think there's a brewing stand map from my personal experience, checked around, and couldn't find anything, seems like an original design, great to see. With the design it's a little basic, certainly looks like a brewing stand but could be more detailed in my personal opinion, just a little heads up.

Parkour variety/difficulty ~ Nice parkour variety, your map seemed quite interesting and had great variety with the jumps, In my opinion maybe not as much consecutive enchantment table jumps as they get a little boring if you do too many, just my opinion. From my experience certainly matches the medium difficulty with jump difficulty and parkour length, good luck! :)


Forum God
Jan 2, 2018
1,319 25
Hello Funish,

I regret to inform you that your map is being rejected.
The theme, as from your previous submission, is unoriginal in the minecraft block portion, but original in the brewing stand portion.
The build looks about the same as last time;
still accurate to what you were going for.
The parkour is still the main concern. The difficulty feels a bit
inconsistent; there are some easier jumps but also some harder jumps mixed in, so try to keep it evenly balanced if possible! I did notice some improvements with the parkour not being as floaty! It is, still, however, a bit messy.

Thank you for submitting your map, I would love to see more submissions from you!
Have a nice day,
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