Hello there :)
I won't give this map a rating for now as I'm not online, but I would like to say a few things:
As far as the build, I would say that the scale of this build is very strange. There's player scaled sheds/huts, but then the main objects in the build (person, lawn mower, and the fencing) are over sized. Try to keep objects in the same scale throughout the build :)
I would also say the lawn mower itself is a bit odd, as there's not really any motor or anything that gives it the bulkiness that i feel a mower has, and it's very high off the lawn (as in, this mower wouldn't really be doing much of its job haha) unfortunately there is parkour underneath the mower from what I can see, so the bulk would have to come from adding onto the mower sides.
In addition, there's a lack of consistency in style in this build. By this, I mean that certain parts of the build look very different compared to others. On the lawn, there's a lot of 2D texture added via different kinds of blocks used, while the fence, shed and mower are a more simple style. The person is full of 3D texture (as in his shape is much more jagged which communicates things about the texture of his clothes).
These are more advanced critiques, as you clearly have some knack for building. I just wanted to point out some of more complex things to building to help you out :) The scale of the build is what throws me off the most.
Please note that while I may be staff, I am not a map judge. I just like giving feedback on map submissions to help improve people's skills in the community. Good luck on your submission!