I'm going to have to leave you with a -1 on this one. The map, of course, is respective to it's theme and matches it well, but small details, such as- like what Drakonixal stated- the Skittle on the map being an oval and the "S" not being centered, don't feel aesthetically pleasing to the eye and can change the looks of the build incredibly. Another thing to go along with the aesthetics of the map is that there's only really 2 or 3 different types of blocks to parkour on, mostly ladders and cobblestone fences along with 2 actual block jumps at the end inside of the Skittle. Other than looks, the parkour aspect of the map wasn't very interesting at all, I was bored going around the Skittle once or twice and I was able to complete it very efficiently and simply. I also thought the map was very boring in the sense that it felt like I was doing parkour on a simple pixel art. Sure, the build has some depth, but in all it's only 3 blocks besides the parkour jumps. Overall, I wasn't very satisfied while doing this map.