Hello DuckiesGoQuacky,
I regret to inform you that your map has been rejected.
Your theme is original to an extent; however, the way you have executed the theme is not original. I'd suggest going with a different theme so you execute a theme in an original way.
The build of your map is a concern. It has detail and depth for the most part but is messy. Have a main build with a main platform/island so that most of the parkour isn't floating. This will allow you to path the parkour around the build so it's not mostly floating.
For the most part your map fits the length and difficulty of an easy map so good job on that! A few jumps are slightly too hard for an easy map. Your parkour is lacking variance, the only jumps incorporated are normal jumps, fences , ladders and slimes. Add more variance such as heads, glass panes, water etc to make the parkour more enjoyable.
We hope to see more maps from you in the future.
Have a good day/night