Hey there, unfortunately at this time I will be REJECTING your manacube map submission for the following reasons.
Originality/theme: Your theme from my perspective is not original, your following a floating island type theme with large buildings/skyscrapers' which is far from original unfortunately. Your build design is quite basic and your towers are pretty large scale without much detail incorporated into them making the build look large and clunky.
Parkour variety/difficulty: Your parkour variety from my perspective is very basic and repetitive, throughout your whole submission the majority of blocks you used in your submission were ladders and polished andesite, making your submission boring and bland. For future reference I highly suggest that you put more effort and time into making your submission parkour more enjoyable, such as adding relevant parkour blocks, cacti blocks, water, flower pots, slime blocks, chest/enchantment tables, cobwebs, anvils, ETC.
List of already used themes
Good luck on your future submissions!