Hello, I'm KappaWealth~


Active Member
Feb 4, 2017
Hi, I'm KappaWealth! (I was contemplating over if I should post this thread or not, heh). I would also like to apologies for my horrendous grammar.

Random/irrelevant facts you should know about me! ^w^
1. My ign in Minecraft is KappaWealth, I don't plan on changing it anytime soon. xD

2. I used to live in Toronto, Canada, but I moved to America when I was 11-12 years old. 'Eh?'
3. My favourite food is probably poutine. I rarely eat it though. Can someone mail me homemade poutine? If so, thank you very much >.<
4. I mainly play on the Parkour server on Manacube, I rarely type anything in the chat though. But, I would like to break that habit of mine.
5. I currently play the piano and flute. I used to play the clarinet, guitar and cello. I barely even remember how to play the cello, clarinet, and guitar. Heh...(as the sudden feeling of shame runs down my spine).
6. I also play volleyball! My main position in volleyball is the 'libero.' (I'm basically the shortest person on the team. I'm 5'5, if you wanted to know).
7. I don't own any pets at the moment, but my family are planning on getting a pug in the future.
8. My favourite genre of music would be House or Tropical House! (I like light metal as well, oops).
8.1 Favourite song would be by Andrew Allen - Sooner. I absolutely love the lyrics and how 'lively' the song is. Makes me feel all bubbly inside .3.
9. I love playing the Sims, Dead by Daylight, Cs:go, H1, and etc. I like watching League of Legends, but I'm terrible at the game.
10. Uh...I also love reading books as well, mainly fiction or novels. I recently finished up reading "What Alice Forgot." The Edge of Normal is amazing as well! The Edge of Normal is one of the best psychological thriller books I've read. (I'm so sorry if I sound like one of those cheesy book reviewers, I'll stop now).

Additional facts:
- LGBT Supporter ♥
- I'm quite confidential. (I don't plan on sharing my name, age, and etc).
- I'm extremely socially-awkward, I find it difficult for myself to start a conversation with someone. xD
- I personally despise sweets, I mainly enjoy savory food.

This is getting a little bit too long, so I'll just stop. Thank you for reading ♥
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Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2016
452 24


Forum Master
Oct 3, 2016
326 10
Heyho KappaWealth and welcome to ManaCube. If you want to start talking or playing LoL, hit me up, whenever you want. You probably saw me already, because I am on parkour every day. Also if you have questions or anything else, feel free to ask here, ingame in /msg or in the simple public chat and I will try my best to help! I hope to see you around and enjoy your time here! :D



Dedicated Member
Aug 24, 2016
147 2
Welcome to the community KappaWealth! I used to play the clarinet too, but I stopped playing in high school. I'm trying to learn the ukulele now. I love reading used to be all I did before I got my computer. Parkour is a great server (definitely one of the most popular, the mods on there work hard to keep up with all of the players.) I'm an insane currently going for champion soon. xD (Eventually) I hope you enjoy your time on the server! If you have any questions feel free to message me! :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2016
67 3
Welcome KappaWealth! I hope I will see you around sometime. I play the flute as well. I'm on parkour a lot of the time and if you ever want to do a course together I'm up for that. :D