Reviewing HL3Confirmed - Staff Application

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Jan 28, 2022
Your Minecraft Username
HL3Confirmed(I'm known better as Scout)

What server are you applying for


First name Matthew

Age 28

Country or Timezone

Discord username

Why do you want to become staff?
I spend a large amount of time on Skyblock, and i'd like to be able to contribute more the great community that made me stick around. I want to promote positivity as the standard, a welcoming place where people can enjoy themselves and relax from the day. I make reports when I see something, but having a larger hand in resolving conflicts will be fulfilling.

How long have you played on ManaCube?
Since the tail end of Skyblock season 10, so a few months in to 2022, IIRC

How many hours a week can you dedicate to Manacube? 4-5 hours a day in the evenings, more on weekends.

What skills do you feel you have that will help the server?
I feel that I have excellent communication ability, so i’m able to present information and ideas concisely.
I have a high tolerance for shenanigans, without having myself be roped into antagonistic situations; something I feel is vitally important when the userbase has a large number of more volatile personalities.
I am a steady, dependable person, able to be given a task and see it completed properly and efficiently.

What experiences have you had which could help you as staff? I’m an electrician by trade, and I lead a team of 4 at jobsites. I have high level teamwork and leadership experience, and i’m able to operate and communicate with several different departments simultaneously to ensure the job runs smoothly. When at a job, we need to coordinate with the other trades daily, as well as the clients/tenants, which has afforded me plenty of opportunities to learn to speak effectively to people from different backgrounds. Part of the apprenticeship program electricians(and other trades, i’m sure) go through, touches upon how to handle yourself. When you’re at a job, and even outside of it, you are representing your company. How you present yourself directly impacts people’s experiences and beliefs about you, and your company; Immaturity and disrespectfulness are quickly stamped out, or you won’t find yourself advancing your career very far.
There’s a lot of hotheads and big personalities, in my experience, and being able to manage and keep them productive, rather than butting heads, is something i’m very familiar with.

I also have a great deal of experience administrating large amounts of people on forums and servers both. I’ve been an administrator of a large gaming community for about a decade, and we ran forums for many years before eventually shutting them down to transition into discord instead. The forum-format just didn’t fit our evolving community any longer.
I was also an administrator on a large minecraft server before covid, with several thousand unique users. (If staff needs more info we can DM) Admittedly it was more of a favor for a friend who was the server owner’s sysadmin, the server had an understaffing issue so I was brought in to lighten workload.

What three attributes distinguish yourself from other players that qualify you to be a helper?
1. I have strong critical thinking and problem solving skills.
-As I mentioned above, i’m an electrician. If you’re in the trades, something you will know intimately is that the plans are never accurate. The client wants ‘just one more thing’, Or they changed their mind after seeing the job done, or another trade did something that now impacts your work, etc. there’s a million things that can, and do, go wrong. I need to be able to effectively navigate these bumps, which includes properly planning the job to easily accommodate additional requests or changes. Even so, there will be many times when you’ll have to create a solution for problems outside of expectations, which is where I thrive.
2. Maturity.
-I’m older than the average player and applicant, I believe. While I don’t think age directly translates to maturity, I have a solid amount of life experience that I feel sets me above the majority of younger candidates. I’ve had the time for my hotheaded years, and moved on to a more open and thoughtful stage. I won’t say I know better than someone younger than me, but I believe my experiences give me a broader perspective that will see better results when action is taken, and when attempting to de-escalate situations before action needs to be taken at all.
3. Dependability.
-I briefly mentioned it earlier, but when i’m sent to do something, they know it will get done up to code, quickly, and professionally. My quality of work is something I take pride in, and to consistently perform at a high standard is important. In my jobs before I began my career, I was always seen as a reliable person, and generally placed in positions of trust.

Please explain what you believe the role of a staff member is.
I believe staff members are in a community to first off, be a *part* of that community, but secondly, to regulate and nurture it, so it heads in a direction that benefits everyone. The goal, in my opinion, is to improve the experience of everyone. From how they play on the server, to how they communicate with other players, a staff member should strive to leave the server better than it was. Things can always be improved, and a good staff member seeks out those opportunities.

Are you able to use recording software? Yes

Anything else we should know?
I'm almost always on skyblock, but with the new season release of survival, i'll certainly spend time there working on prestige/my party as well. If there's an issue with how much time I should be on one vs the other, i'm absolutely open to discussing it.

You are aware that all information provided must be true, and if found to be false, will result in an automatic rejection of this application

You are aware that if you are accepted, you will be required to use a microphone for some sections of staff training to talk with the senior staff member leading your initial and future training sessions:

You are aware that you may not use generative AI to write your application for you. Any suspicion of doing so will result in a rejection.

EDIT:clarified nickname
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Active Member
May 1, 2021
31 2
+1 Scout is the the definition of the nicest guy on skyblock! The community is so much better with him around. I have known this great man for a while, and I have always see him being positive, helpful and present in the community. There is a little handful of people, I always thought should apply for staff on skyblock, and Scout is 100% one of these people, we need him there! Never in my years on manacube, have I experinced any negativity around him - he is full of good vibes, he knows what he is talking about when it comes to manacube, he is SO helpful and all in all a nice guy. A million +'s for Scout!


SrMod | Helper Management
Senior Mod
Senior Mod
Jun 26, 2021
192 43

Thank you for taking the time to apply for Manacube Staff. I have good news, your application has passed the reviewing stages and has moved on to the next step.

Please note this does NOT mean you are accepted, we are now reviewing your history on the Manacube server and looking at your characteristics in more depth. You will be notified in the near future on any update we have regarding your application.

If you have any questions, please start a conversation with me on the forums or on discord. You can find me on discord at [baroompsycho], I am quicker to respond there.

Also, be aware that I do not discuss applications while moderating or playing in-game and do not reply to forum posts about specific staff applications.

The application will now be locked from public comments but still viewable.

Thank you,
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