Rejected "Icy Hills" Parkour map / Hard

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Oct 29, 2020
Map built by Kasyader on his plot
I tried to remove annoying barrier blocks but replacing them with other blocks will make my map just ugly.
Jumps are hard and can be annoying for some people. /plot visit Kasyader
Oct 29, 2020
And one more question, Can I have a copy of my map as an world save or a worldedit schematic?
I really wanted to copy It to my singleplayer world without rebuilding it block by block.


Forum Master
Dec 19, 2019
878 13
Hello Kasyader,

I am sorry to tell you this map is being rejected. I would first like to state that I don't necessarily have all the information needed to judge this map fully (such as the difficulty). Please use the Map Submission Format posted on the forums so that a judge can effectively look at your submissions in the future. To answer your question, we cannot give you a save or schematic file of your map, unfortunately. However plots are never cleared or reset, so your map will always be available on ManaCube as long as you don't delete your build! With that, onto the judging:

The theme is not original for this map, as we have many winter and snow themed maps already on ManaCube. You can check the Parkour List to make sure your theme is original before you begin building! The build is pretty good, I wish it were one main build rather than various floating pieces. The build is well detailed and terraformed nicely, but the floating pieces really take away from the cohesiveness of the map. In the future, try to make one main build for the map so the parkour can be placed on, around, or inside of it.

The parkour is very unbalanced with a jump or two being expert level, while other jumps are more suitable for an easy map. Try to make the difficulty of your map consistent throughout. I also found the map to be extremely short for most difficulties other than an easy map. The parkour was somewhat varied and mixed. I would recommend looking at the Mapmaking Wiki guides about mixed and varied parkour to better understand this! The final comment I have about this map is the unmarked barriers. It's okay to have barriers on your map, but if they are unmarked by signs, redstone, or item frames w/ barriers in them, it can make the path of the parkour very confusing.

Thank you for submitting this map! If you have any questions, feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord. Hope to see more maps from you!
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