Rejected Insane Super Map - Past the Point of No Return

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Mar 29, 2015
45 11
I have made a unique map of (more than) Insane difficulty on the Minevast Creative server. It is called Past the Point of No Return, and is a continuation of the Point of No Return. The Point of No Return has 126 jumps with 8 checkpoints, while Past the Point of No Return has 145 jumps with 9 checkpoints. You can warp to the start of The Point of No Return with /warp NoReturn. (James_Dominate set the warp) The username of the builder is happyheart (me). I have used some basic worldEdit to create this map.
My idea is that these two maps can become connected in a way. For example, it could be that after you complete the Point of No Return, completing Past the Point of No Return grants you 300 gems instead of 200. Another idea is that you may only be able to play Past the Point of No Return upon completing the Point of No Return. (That might not be a great idea, considering the Point of No Return is very difficult) Or, Past the Point of No Return could be a continue right off of the Point of No Return, to create a gigantic map of 271 jumps and 17 checkpoints, with a 400 or more gem reward at the end.
It is a little difficult to tell what parts belong to which map from the following screenshots, but if you teleport to my plot and trace the paths, it's easy to figure out.
^Full map view
^Starting area of the Point of No Return
^Starting area of Past the Point of No Return
^View from below of the obsidian tower which comes at the end of Past the Point of No Return
^Overlooks most of Past the Point of No Return
^Overlooks some of the Point of No Return
That's the map folks, the link to the original Point of No Return is here
I'm sorry I couldn't display Past the Point of No Return as an isolated map, especially because I think it's better than the Point of No Return.
EDIT: I forgot to note that the name of this map is inspired by the Phantom of the Opera's piece, the Point of No Return.
<-- That is not my video. The parkour map has nothing to do with the Phantom of the Opera, the maps are only named after it because I like the song and I think the name fits well.
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Mod | Map Judge
Jan 17, 2015
160 5
Thanks For Submitting!

Your Map has Passes all Pre-Criteria and it will be REVIEWED!

Good Luck!



Forum Master
Mar 13, 2015
169 8
Sadly your map has been REJECTED!

Some reasons for this include -
  • Like your last insane submission, the map felt too long. It felt like too much work for 200 gems, however we felt the first section (Nether) was much stronger than the second section (End).
  • The latter half felt rather tedious, and the obsidian tower felt very out of place amongst the test of the parkour.
  • It intertwines with your other course, Point of no Return, which we rejected. It also is too wide if you submit every section.

Positives include -

  • The first portion of the map, the Nether section, would work very well as it's own course, without the end section following it. The designs for this section were a lot more inspired, there was more evident work put into it, and the visuals are pretty cool.
  • The Obsidian Tower at the end of the course would also do better as a stand-alone course, with some extra extensions to make it fit the jump quota.

Remember, you can always submit more maps, and you can always try again.

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