Thanks for submitting your map! I've come to inform you that this map will be rejected.
The theme is indeed nice and original, we currently do not have it around yet. However and this is the main risk with pixel art, the build is not as original as the theme. Looking around on the internet I could easily find some of the same pixel art around, which were definitely not yours. Please try and make your own unique build, even if it is pixel art. But I'd still recommend you to have a 3D build. Having that is also easier to build your jumps upon, as you can do it on top or inside, rather than around and have your parkour look messy. Anyways, I'd say for you to work on your build, keep the variety going and you'll be good to go.
Thanks again for submitting, we'd love to see another map sometime soon, so don't hesitate on making and submitting another one. :)
Also, if you have any questions or concerns, just PM me here on the forums or on Discord.