Ok, before I am too harsh on you guys, here's a compliment...
I generally liked the parkour on this course.
Ok, now to the real review...
The Colonel Sanders face is mess up kinda... I know you guys tried your best.
The major thing is WHERE IS THE CHICKEN?
Also, why is there so many barriers...
At the end, it doesn't make sense because of the floating blocks...
Another major issue is that you sneakily put a barrier making the neos head hitter neos... which gives people a false sense of security...
This is a minor issue, but it might be a big issue to the course accepters... the inside of the bucket kinda has repetitive jumps (million ladder jumps and like 2 block jumps...)
I like how you guys added a "creative" jump... as the slime jump... but it is useless because people can just speed 5 double neo it...
I'm sorry I sound harsh, but I really don't think this should be added...
The other people review this might think differently, but the main reason I said no is because there was no chicken...
Like I said already, SORRY :(