Created by: Mr_Munchie_Jr
Map Name: KingMinionPK
Plot Number: -30;19 (/plot v Mr_Munchie_Jr 2)
Difficulty: Easy
Jumps: About 33
3 Checkpoints
I understand that there is already a normal minion map. I didn't know if this would be considered original enough or not because of the King twist on the normal minion. I figured it's better to try and see rather than not at all.
Map Name: KingMinionPK
Plot Number: -30;19 (/plot v Mr_Munchie_Jr 2)
Difficulty: Easy
Jumps: About 33
3 Checkpoints
I understand that there is already a normal minion map. I didn't know if this would be considered original enough or not because of the King twist on the normal minion. I figured it's better to try and see rather than not at all.