Sadly, this map has been rejected.
However, I am impressed that you managed to improve well over your previous attempts at making a map. Something to note is that, you seem to lack a theme/design when you build. Levels parkour does not work on a server, because, while it looks good as a standalone random parkour adventure map, for short bursts of parkour fun, it doesn't work well.
You had some nice themes before, Bell Tower, Racetrack, Seasons, etc. You just need to figure out how to design them so they look unique, and have unique parkour. I would suggest, next map, trying it out with a friend to help you design a build, you need someone who can design a map and create a nice build, which you can both work on.
Remember, you can always submit new maps, and I am glad you made this map (Although it is similar to our Random Blocks insane map on insane).
~ Billy