Rejected Magic Hall - Medium

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Dedicated Member
Jun 12, 2020
251 8
Username: Descantt
Map Name: Magic Hall
Photos: The title says "magic tower pk images" but the name has been changed due to there being a different map with that same name.
Plot Number: /plot visit Descantt
Difficulty: Medium
Jumps: 47

Additional Info:
- There are many tower themed parkour courses. There is one named Magic Hall. However, I feel like my build stands out from the rest because of the color palette and build style being used - while Magic Tower & Magic Hall seem very similar, the actual builds themselves have stark differences
- I used one of the teleport pads that I have seen in other maps - it goes from around the back of the castle to the beginning of the castle. If you would prefer I just add parkour there, I am more than willing to do so.
- Thank you so much for taking your time to review my map! <3


Forum Legend
May 12, 2019
501 11
Hey Descantt,

Unfortunately, I will be REJECTING this map submission.
  • Theme: Yes, I agree, for the most part, this map and MagicTower do differ in appearance (besides the whole magic glass particles around them). But, I think that due to the similarity in that they're magic tower-themed (evidently, your hall is a tower), I believe this map submission to be unoriginal in that regard.
  • Build: In my opinion, the build is okay. Don't get me wrong, I definitely see that you put lots of effort into it to make it as unique and attractive as possible. Yet, I don't really enjoy the unoriginality of it and the empty interior. Regarding the first point: I just see it as another tower map. There's not much to it besides the fancy description and particles. When making a map that features a tower, it better be really inspired and creative because we just have so many. Regarding my second point: The interior of the tower isn't used at all except for parkour. It feels empty and forgotten. Even though you did well by focusing on your theme, the finished product did not feel like it was in acceptable conditions.
  • Parkour: The parkour length and difficulty do fit the medium difficulty well. The problems I had with it had more to do with the structure of the parkour itself. The outside jumps felt very similar, at least to me. And, then, the interior was just you spiraling up the tower doing some different jumps but also repeating some. I'm not telling you to use every block in MC for parkour, but I do want to see different jumps (technically speaking) more frequently, and, sometimes, different blocks help to create that feel. This is definitely an addressable issue, as your map's repetitiveness and variation are at an even 50/50 from my perspective.
I hope you take these criticisms into consideration when submitting maps in the future, good luck!
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