Unfortunately, I will be REJECTING this map submission.
Theme: Just like with Grayroad, I'm loving this theme! Great job on picking out something that hasn't been done before.
Build: Personally, I think the build could do much better. It shares the same issue as Grayroad: simplicity. The build is far too simple (aka minimally shaped/detailed) for it to actually look like Galland. Just look at the compressed face, lack of joints, amorphous hands, amongst other things. All of these things do not work well together. You have to pay more attention to accurately and attractively portraying your theme.
Parkour: Although the parkour felt pretty long, it did fit the difficulty length/difficulty wise. The only complaint I have with it is how confusing it was at times, so some more carpets/signs would do the trick.
I hope you take these criticisms into consideration when submitting maps in the future, good luck