Hello Wiz and Jaabus,
Thanks for submitting your map! I've come to inform you that this map will be rejected.
Points that influenced the decision:
- The theme is original, so nothing wrong with that.
- The build is in my opinion not attractive and doesn't really look like an observatory. There is an overused amount of quartz, making it not too appealing to look at. Try to detail it a bit more next time and really add in the elements which define the build and give away the theme.
- The jumps fit their difficulty and have a wide variety. The checkpoint placement adds on an extra challenge. Anyways, keep in mind that redstone, this including buttons and levers, does not work on the Parkour server. Also make sure to not make it too insane where it gets to the point that it isn't too much fun anymore.
- The length does suit the insane difficulty. It might be almost pushing the limit, but so far it looks fine.
Thanks again for submitting, we'd love to see another map sometime soon, so don't hesitate on making and submitting another one. :)
Also, if you have any questions or concerns, just PM me here on the forums or on Discord.