Hello WhyDidYouLieToMe,
I am sorry to inform you that this course is being rejected. The build isn't very attractive and could be better. There isn't really much of a theme, the entire course is a maze, which is not typically allowed. The fact that this course is a maze makes it pretty hard for a medium and it makes the parkour pretty confusing. It can also make the course very long, too long for a medium. Overall, the build isn't very attractive, the theme isn't really there, and the overall course is too hard for a medium and it is confusing. However, the parkour was interesting and the idea is also definitely interesting! :)
Thank you for submitting this course! I hope to see more from you in the future! :)
If you have any questions, you can PM me on here, in game, or on discord
-Ashley (ThePKFish, fishy1980)