Build: Personally, I don't think the build is very good. I say this because the "build" is basically just floating blocks and a floating structure that somewhat resembles a mine. You need to put more effort into your build, it's the main thing people see when they play a map. If you're gonna theme your build around a mine, then make sure it really looks like a mine and a good one at that given that we have so many maps under that theme. And, of course, minimize the floating pk around your build as it creates a very messy look.
Parkour: The parkour was fitting for the easy difficulty in length and ease, although I think some checkpoints were a little too long. Furthermore, the parkour had a very big issue: repetitiveness. Each checkpoint of your parkour consisted of using the same type of jump and/or block over and over again. This isn't the type of parkour we're looking for. We want to see parkour that is technically and/or aesthetically varied, whichever helps you make an enjoyable and unique parkour.
I hope you take these criticisms into consideration when submitting this or other maps in the future!