Mount Olympus Prison Suggestions


Forum Expert
Jan 21, 2015
284 38
Ability to combine / merge plots with your friends.
In plot world ability to /fly command for easier building (or could be a donor command)
Ability to set more than one home.
Ability to have more than two plots.
Bigger plots.
Kits with higher unbreaking on the pickaxes.
Shop with 1.8 items.
Comparators in shop because they aren't in the current prison.
More items at shop.
Custom enchantments.
Plot mines. :D
Kits you can buy or earn. Example: Juggernaut kit on KitPvP
Dacrons as the currency or something from Greek Mythology.
In-game clans would be awesome.
After you hit the maximum amount of plots you can buy more for a set amount of money.
A daily lottery.
Spawners to put on your plot.
I have found most of these ideas from playing the current Prison so much, I think all of these suggestions are worth considering for the new Prison coming out soon on Minevast. Hopefully Dacon and Dyn will take a look at this! This took a while to make, if you have any other suggestions that might be worth adding reply with them and I may add them to my list!

