Rejected My map

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Apr 20, 2020
  • Username: playnope
  • Map name: Neo Jumper
  • Photos of your Parkour: in the attrached files :)
  • The # of your Plot / or warp name to it: i dont know...
  • Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert, Insane): hard
  • Number of jumps (Optional): less than 100 jumps
  • More: I can do the parkour myself so it means its possible :)



Forum Master
Dec 19, 2019
877 13
Hello playnope,

I regret to inform you that this map is being rejected. There isn't really a distinctive theme to the build aside from a 3D pixel art version of a Neo which none of the parkour is attached to, and we no longer accept maps that are of 2D or 3D pixel art as the main build.

As far as the parkour, the map is far too difficult for a hard map, since many types of neos are reserved for expert and insanes only, especially with the triple neo (at least you included the proper setup for it, thank you). There are also only neos, so the parkour isn't varied at all aside from the different kinds of neos. That means the parkour also isn't mixed. Try to use many different kinds of jumps when you make a map, so it isn't frustrating and repetitive. Also try to make checkpoints very accessible and easy to see, rather than hiding them in a lighting glitch in the opposite direction of where the player should be going! You can look at recently accepted maps at /warp beta on the server, or the Accepted Maps subforum for a better visual of our requirements.

Thanks for submitting this map! Feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord should you have any questions.
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