Hello _IComboZ,
I am sorry to inform you that this course is being rejected. The build isn't too attractive and could be improved by adding more detail and more shape to the build. Also, the theme isn't very original. There are already a lot of other nether related courses within Parkour. Some of the parkour on this course is too hard for a hard course. However, the course is still too short and too easy for an expert. Overall, the build isn't too attractive, the theme isn't very original, and the parkour is too hard for a hard, but too short and easy for an expert. However, the parkour was fun to do and it was definitely varied :)
Thank you for submitting this course! I hope to see more from you in the future! :)
If you have any questions, you can PM me on here, in game, or on discord
-Ashley (ThePKFish, fishy1980)